The Company is governed by an eight-member Board of Directors. Its’ term expires on February 15, 2025. Its’ composition is as follows:
- Dimitrios Klonis, Chairman, (Executive Member)
- Dimitrios Antonakos, Vice President (Executive Member)
- Stylianos Alexopoulos, Vice President (Non-Executive Member)
- Petros Souretis, Chief Executive Officer (Executive Member)
- Ioannis Schoinas, Member (Executive)
- Stavros Fafalios (Independent non-Executive Member)
- Iliana Kyrtata, Member (Independent Non-Executive)
- Eugenia Bitsani, Member (Independent Non-Executive)
All members of the Board of Directors have Greek citizenship. None of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executives of the Company has been convicted of dishonorable acts or financial crimes, nor is it involved in litigation related to bankruptcy, criminal act or prohibition of doing business, trading as a professional, executives of banks and insurance companies, executives of securities brokerage companies, etc.
General Manager of the Company is Mr. Ioannis Schoinas.
By the BoD’s decision and according to the more specific provisions of the BoD decision on 15.02.2021, representation and commitment rights of the Company granted to Messrs. Dimitrios Klonis President, Dimitrios Antonakos Vice President, Petros Souretis Chief Executive Officer and Ioannis Schoinas, General Manager.
Mr. Antonis Koletsas, Economist, was appointed Internal Auditor of the Company by the decision of the BoD of October 24, 2019.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders of 15.02.2021, decided the Company’s Audit Committee to be a Board of Directors Committee, with a term equal to that of the Board of Directors and consisting of three Independent Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors, which to be appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors, in its meeting of 15.02.2021, appointed as Members of the Audit Committee Mrs. Iliana Kyrtata, Mr. Aggeli Pappa and Mrs. Eugenia Bitsani. The Audit Committee was formed during its meeting on 15.02.2021 in a body and elected Mrs. Eliana Kyrtata as Chairman of the Committee.